All technical inquiries and issues of existing and potential customers in respect to the trading system Xetra® Vienna – for the markets of Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague and Vienna – are supported by the Technical Service Desk. This includes especially:
- Physical connectivity to the trading system
- Consulting regarding connectivity options
- Connectivity contracts for trading participants, ASPs and ISVs
- Incident management for technical issues
- Technical member readiness
- Technical inquiries of existing and potential customers
For connectivity customers with direct connectivity to the trading system Xetra® Vienna, also Deutsche Börse AG, as service provider for the trading system of Wiener Börse AG, provides 1st and 2nd level support and can also be contacted directly.
The Technical Service Desk of Wiener Börse AG is available for all existing and potential connectivity customers on all trading days between 8:00 and 18:00 CET.

Contact Technical Service Desk Team
On trading days from 8:00 to 18:00 hrs.
More information about the Technical Service Desk
Overview of services
Ticketing system supLOG
Technical Service Desk Team
Contact & feedback