LastChg. % 1DChg. Abs.
Reference Price171.0000
Bid Size/Ask Size-/-
Number Of Trades1
Last Volume260
Total Value24,260

Performance data

Monthly Performance (MOM)+1.43%
Year-to-Date (YTD)-7.79%
52 Weeks Performance (YOY)-7.79%

Reference data & dividend

Burgenland Holding AG was set up on 25 January 1990 as a holding company in the partial privatisation process of BEGAS Energie AG (BEGAS) and Burgenländische Elektrizitätswirtschafts-AG (BEWAG). It holds a 49% stake of the share capital of Energie Burgenland AG, which resulted retroactively as of 30 September 2011 from the merger of BEGAS into BEWAG at the end of June 2012. The remaining 51% of the shares are held by Landesholding Burgenland GmbH. For information on Energie Burgenland AG, please refer to The shares of Burgenland Holding Aktiengesellschaft (share capital: EUR 21.8m) are traded in the Official Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange under the international securities identification number (ISIN) AT0000640552. The majority shareholder of Burgenland Holding Aktiengesellschaft is EVN AG holding 73.63% of the share capital. Over 10% of the shares are held by VERBUND AG and between 5% and 10% by WIEN ENERGIE GmbH. The shares held by the remaining shareholders are below the reporting threshold of 4%.


Trading parameters

Average prices & details

Generally, reference prices likewise correspond to prices from trades in a security.
  - Reference prices for securities that have been newly admitted to trading shall be determined by the
  exchange operating company.
  - Whenever the exchange operating company receives notice of corporate actions or distributions that
  may influence the price of a security, a reference price is determined for the ex-trading day adjusted
  for the theoretical value of the security.
  Further information on the reference price can be found in the
  Trading Rules for the Xetra® Trading System - § 5 Price Determination and Reference Price.
2 Double Counting
  Last Volume = number of traded securities of the last trade;
  Total Volume = sum of all traded securities of the last trading day
3 Calculated by Vienna Stock Exchange