LastChg. % 1DChg. Abs.

1 Provided by the company

Source: provided by the company
Record date "Dividends": Date on which settled positions are struck in the books of the Issuer`s CSD at close of business to determine the entitlement to dividends. Origination of entitlement is still linked to the Ex-dividend date.
Record date "Annual General Meeting": Date for participation to Annual General Meeting.

ReportsBusiness YearFormatSize
Half-yearly Financial Report2024PDF1.3 MB
Annual Financial Report2023ZIP2.4 MB
Half-yearly Financial Report2023PDF1.8 MB
Annual Financial Report2022ZIP2.2 MB
Half-yearly Financial Report2022PDF3.8 MB
Annual Report2021PDF11.3 MB
Annual Financial Report2021ZIP2.1 MB
Report 3rd Quarter 2021PDF1.6 MB
Half-yearly Financial Report2021PDF1.6 MB
Report 1st quarter2021PDF1.5 MB
Annual Financial Report2020ZIP2.5 MB
Annual Financial Report2020PDF5.0 MB
Report 3rd Quarter 2020PDF1.9 MB
Half-yearly Financial Report2020PDF1.8 MB
Report 1st quarter2020PDF1.7 MB
Annual Financial Report2019PDF4.6 MB
Report 3rd Quarter 2019PDF1.9 MB
Half-yearly Financial Report2019PDF1.8 MB
Report 1st quarter2019PDF1.7 MB
Annual Financial Report2018PDF3.8 MB
Report 3rd Quarter 2018PDF1.6 MB
Half-yearly Financial Report2018PDF1.4 MB
Report 1st quarter2018PDF1.4 MB
Annual Financial Report2017PDF3.7 MB
Report 3rd Quarter 2017PDF897 KB
Half-yearly Financial Report2017PDF1.3 MB
Report 1st quarter2017PDF1.4 MB
Annual Financial Report2016PDF3.4 MB
Report 3rd Quarter 2016PDF835 KB
Half-yearly Financial Report2016PDF946 KB
Report 1st quarter2016PDF997 KB
Annual Financial Report2015PDF3.0 MB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2015PDF833 KB
Half-yearly Financial Report2015PDF976 KB
Interim Report or Report 1st Quarter2015PDF1.1 MB
Annual Financial Report2014PDF4.3 MB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2014PDF735 KB
Half-yearly Financial Report2014PDF923 KB
Interim Report or Report 1st Quarter2014PDF799 KB
Annual Financial Report / Annual Report2013PDF5.6 MB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2013PDF875 KB
Half-yearly Financial Report2013PDF799 KB
Interim Report or Report 1st Quarter2013PDF882 KB
Annual Financial Report2012PDF2.3 MB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2012PDF947 KB
Half-yearly Financial Report2012PDF1.2 MB
Interim Report or Report 1st Quarter2012PDF980 KB
Annual Financial Report / Annual Report2011PDF8.1 MB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2011PDF1.3 MB
Half-yearly Financial Report2011PDF1.6 MB

Source: provided by the company

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