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Trading of government bonds

... continuously. Stock exchange trading guarantees a maximum of transparency and investors can stay up-to-date about price trends at any time. Your benefits at a glance: Erste Group and Raiffeisen Bank International ensure attractive prices and high liquidity for buy and sell orders  As with...

Going public (IPO)

... An initial public offering (IPO) opens the way for companies to raise large volumes of capital, also repeatedly through secondary offerings. The benefits of an IPO: Stronger equity base and increased financial flexibility Securing growth, innovation and competitiveness More public attention at home and...


... in Vienna and Prague and holds stakes in energy exchanges and clearing houses in the region. Listed companies receive maximum liquidity and investors benefit from fast and cost-effective trading by the market leader. The Vienna Stock Exchange also collects and distributes stock market data and calculates...

International stocks in global market

... depository receipts from Europe (including Germany, France, Italy & Spain), the USA and Asia (including China & Japan) through your broker. Benefits at a glance: Trading and settlement in euro Buy and sell during Vienna SE trading hours Attractive terms – no foreign market fees Market...

Indices of Vienna Stock Exchange

... Our indices currently include more than 140 tradable indices and over 140 financial institutions worldwide place their trust in them. This is how you can benefit from our expertise in Central and Eastern Europe: Transparency – Detailed information on all index components as well as all rules and regulations and...

Segment: Exchange Traded Funds

... the world. Contact your broker and ask about trading ETFs on the Vienna Stock Exchange, the best-execution trading venue for Austrian investors. Your benefits at a glance: Attractive terms – no foreign fees, no front-end charge Continuously traded like stocks Market maker Lang & Schwarz...


... through a multi-channel strategy, combining a centrally managed branch network with a convenient digital banking offering. In Austria, BAWAG Group benefits from a well-recognized brand across the country and has become a major player in the direct banking market through its easybank business as well as...

Bonds in continuous trading

... investors a wide range of Austrian and international bonds. Market makers guarantee best prices and deepest liquidity in continuous trading.  Benefits at a glance: Trading and settlement in euro Buy and sell during Vienna SE trading hours Attractive terms – no foreign market fees Market makers...

direct market plus for SME

... opportunities for further development. The entry-level segment can create the foundation for the next step towards more capital and growth. Your benefits: Shares are tradable on the Vienna Stock Exchange, investors can easily buy and sell via the Xetra® T7 trading system Less strict admission...

BENE AG (06/02/2015)

... "According to the mid market rules Wiener Börse AG informs, that BENE AG has breached the obligation to publish/send annual financial reports. BENE AG published an ad-hoc-news and announced, that the Annual Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year 2014/2015, ending on 31 January 2015, will be released until 1...

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