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Top search results for "VER"

NameISINAddNet Asset ValueRedemption ValueChg. % 1D
Chg. Abs.
Chg. % 1DDate
Issuer PriceYear High1Year Low1
Amundi Öko Sozial Euro Government BondAT00008560266.766.76
Amundi Öko Sozial Euro Government BondAT000082267113.3313.33
Amundi Öko Sozial Euro Government BondAT000067189615.4015.40
Amundi Öko Sozial Euro Government BondAT000061935815.4015.40
3 Banken Verantwortung & Zukunft Aktienfonds (R)AT0ZUKUNFT12100.63100.63

Frequentis IPO

... Details: Press release Current price information Photos from the trading debut in prime market Note Click into the picture for a larger version. Click button "Download" to download the picture. The image in original size will open in a new window. Choose "Save image as..." with the right...

Image: Wiener Börse logo

... Börse Logo Download image: Wiener Börse Logo (jpg-file, 50 KB) For the usage of the Wiener Börse logo or if you require a printable version, please contact us by email at:

ATX: 30 Years

... the average return of the ATX TR (incl. dividends) is 6.5% per year the index composition is reviewed twice a year (March and September) OMV, Verbund and Wienerberger have been part of the ATX since the index was launched you can follow the current price of the ATX in real-time on our website...

EuroTeleSites AG Listing

... connectivity needed in today´s world. Video of the 1st trading day event Note Click into the picture for a larger version. Click button "Download" to download the picture. The image in original size will open in a new window. Choose "Save image as..." with the right...


... page Press area All press photos Overview of our videos Photos from the IPO in prime market Note Click into the picture for a larger version. Click button "Download" to download the picture. The image in original size will open in a new window. Choose "Save image as..." with the right...

Austrian Stock Talk

... on our price detail pages Compact videos present all the information in just a few minutes  Click in and see for yourself! Current video: VERBUND AG on Air Deputy CEO / CFO Peter F. Kollmann provides insights into VERBUND AG.  More videos All Austrian Stock Talk videos at a...

Wiener Börse Punsch Event 2018

... Note Click into the picture for a larger version. Click button "Download" to download the picture. The image in original size will open in a new window. Choose "Save image as..." with the right mouse button to save the picture. Download the whole gallery with the button at the end of the...

direct market Event: Financing

... Note Click into the picture for a larger version. Click button "Download" to download the picture. The image in original size will open in a new window. Choose "Save image as..." with the right mouse button to save the picture. Download the whole gallery with the button at the end of the page. All...

Photos: IPO of Marinomed Biotech

... Video To download photos in print quality, please visit the APA photo gallery part 1 or part 2. Note Click into the picture for a larger version. Click button "Download" to download the picture. The image in original size will open in a new window. Choose "Save image as..." with the right...

New Listings 2019

... 09/25/2019 No. of securities included 1 1 Market Vienna MTF Vienna MTF Market segment global market global market Country/Company Verallia SA USA First day of trading 10/07/2019 10/25/2019 No. of securities included 1 28 Market Vienna MTF Vienna MTF Market segment global...

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