Annual press conference: Record result for Wiener Börse AG, appeal to strengthen the capital market remains unchanged

22 May 2024 | Susanne Bickel | Die Presse

Among numerous other Austrian media, ‘Die Presse’ reported on the annual press conference of Wiener Börse AG. Supervisory Board Chairman Heimo Scheuch and CEO Christoph Boschan reported, among other things, on the Group's record result of EUR 47.9 million, a new all-time high for the ATX Total Return (including dividends) of 8,566.58 points and a growing number of share owners in Austria. Scheuch and Boschan once again appealed to policymakers to further strengthen the capital market. The reintroduction of the retention period for securities and better harmonisation of the pension system with the capital market are essential in this context.

Read article (German only)

"Underestimation of the capital market as a production factor"

5 February 2024 | ARD

CEO Christoph Boschan answers Stefan Wolff's questions as a live guest on the trading floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in "Update Wirtschaft" (Tagesschau24). Boschan outlines the differences and similarities between the Austrian and German capital markets and points out the special role of the Vienna Stock Exchange as an important hub in the CEE region. He also emphasises that the capital market as a production factor is dramatically underestimated in "old Europe". The call of the hour for policymakers must therefore be to strengthen the stock market and equity financing. The capital market is needed for stable welfare systems, a substantial and rapid transition towards a carbon-neutral future and an increase in global competitiveness, argues Boschan.

Watch interview here (German only)