Vienna Stock Exchange News

Zapotocky, Member of the Management Board of Wiener Börse (The Vienna Stock Exchange), seeking new challenges

(Vienna) Stefan Zapotocky (53), Member of the Management Board of Wiener Börse AG, informed the Supervisory Board of Wiener Börse AG today about his decision to pursue new professional challenges in the first half of 2006.

"After working some 30 years in a variety of positions at Erste Bank, Länderbank, subsequently BA-CA and Wiener Börse, I would now like to start my own business," said Zapotocky, explaining his move. The Börse manager will, however, remain loyal to the Austrian financial and capital markets: "In my new function I will specifically aim to create added value at first-rate companies in connection with capital market finance."

Dr. Stefan Zapotocky has been serving as Management Board Member of Wiener Börse AG since April 2000 and, jointly with his team, has developed Wiener Börse into an internationally efficient and profitable stock exchange. In addition, Wiener Börse has successfully established itself in recent years as a leading stock exchange and a model for the Central and East European economic region. Zapotocky had previously held numerous other senior positions in the Austrian banking sector with a strong focus on securities.