Vienna Stock Exchange News

Gerhard Lahner (Vienna Insurance Group) and Rainer Borns (Volksbank Wien) appointed to Supervisory Board

(Vienna) At today's Annual General Meetings of Wiener Börse AG and its holding company CEESEG AG, the Supervisory Board members were newly appointed by the shareholders. The Supervisory Board is composed of twelve shareholder representatives. With the exception of two mandates, the composition remains unchanged. Gerhard Lahner (Vienna Insurance Group AG) succeeds Martin Simhandl (formerly Vienna Insurance Group AG). Rainer Borns (Volksbank Wien AG) takes over the mandate from Josef Weißl (Oberbank AG). Heimo Scheuch (Wienerberger AG) and Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger (OeKB) will remain Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board respectively.

About the Vienna Stock Exchange

The Vienna Stock Exchange is the only securities exchange in Austria. It features a modern infrastructure and supplies market data and relevant information.  It offers Austrian companies maximum visibility, high liquidity and utmost transparency. Investors can rely on the smooth and efficient execution of exchange trades. The Vienna Stock Exchange operates a central market datafeed for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and is well established as an expert for the calculation of indices with a reference to the region. Wiener Börse AG, together with its holding company, CEESEG, cooperates with over ten exchanges in CEE and is globally recognized for this unique know-how.

Exclusion of Liability

This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements and forecasts that are based on assumptions current made at the time of publication of this press release. We do not assume any liability for these forward-looking statements materializing. Furthermore, we would like to explicitly point out that this press release cannot serve as a basis for investment decisions and may not be construed as a solicitation to buy or a recommendation to invest by Wiener Börse AG. No liability is assumed for the information given in this press release.


Julia Resch
Julia Resch Linked In
Head of Corporate Communications & Marketing, Spokesperson