Larger liquidity pools needed to have next Google or Meta in Europe

27 December 2024 | Austria Press Agency

In an interview with the Austria Presse Agentur (APA) at the turn of the year, Christoph Boschan reiterates his call for the capital market to be better utilised for the complex societal challenges. “It offers great leverage for financing social security systems, transforming the economy and securing innovation and prosperity”, says Boschan. In Austria and Europe, larger pools of liquidity need to be created to make equity financing more attractive to newcomers. In this context, Boschan proposes a low investment of pension funds from the pay-as-you-go system of around two per cent in the capital market, as well as a strengthening of occupational and private pension schemes. “Austria's pension system is expensive, but not the best," says Boschan.

Prosperity demands innovation

20 December 2024 | trend

In a guest commentary for the business magazine 'trend', CEO Christoph Boschan emphasises the importance of securing innovation. It is – among other things – the basis for financing growing social expenditure. Investments in innovation happen primarily through shareholding, but the pools of equity capital for companies in Europe are less plentiful than in the USA, for example, writes Boschan. Europe must therefore create its own substantial capital pools. This would require a partial adjustment of pension systems and a more pronounced focus on the capital market. With countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway, there are also good examples of this on European ground. More capital and better framework conditions would solve several problems at the same time: Companies finance innovation, European pensions benefit from entrepreneurial growth and the gaping budget deficits are being plugged. 

Read guest commentary (pdf-file 7 MB, German only)

How to turn a small amount of savings into a big fortune

26 October 2024 | Vergil Siegl | Kronen Zeitung

The "Kronen Zeitung" illustrates how even comparatively small monthly savings invested in ETFs can generate substantial wealth over a long investment horizon. Christoph Boschan, CEO of the Vienna Stock Exchange, calls compound interest the "eighth wonder of the world" and stresses the importance of globally diversified investments. It is important not to get carried away by short-term volatility, as Boschan explains: "When prices are low, I'm happy to buy more.” In the long run, the global economy has always grown, therefore prices will rise again.

Read article here (German only)

„Equities are the key to private pensions”

8 October 2024 | NÖN

In a video interview with the Niederösterreichische Nachrichten (NÖN), CEO Christoph Boschan explains why equities are indispensable for private pension, why he believes compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world and why Austria's performance in a PISA study on financial education only appears positive at first glance. Boschan also has an appeal for the future government: private pension provision must be strengthened through measures such as a sovereign wealth fund based on the Norwegian model. The reintroduction of a holding period for securities is also urgently needed.

Watch video (German only)

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CEO Boschan: This step boosts IPOs and European competitiveness

26 September 2024 | brutkasten

How can we promote innovation and progress? In the brutkasten talk, CEO Christoph Boschan talks about European competitiveness and explains the positive effects that strengthening the capital market would bring. During the conversation, he also emphasises the advantages that an IPO has to offer for companies of all sizes.

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"Stocks are neglected“, Tyroleans should consider going public

14 September 2024 | Alois Vahrner | Tiroler Tageszeitung

In an article by "Tiroler Tageszeitung", CEO Christoph Boschan comments positively on the Austrian population's growing interest in the capital market, while criticizing its neglect at a political level. Currently, more than a quarter of Austrians hold securities, and the trend is rising. In this respect, the public is significantly ahead of politics. Boschan recommends a “triple recipe for success” to the next government and rates stocks as the safest and most lucrative form of investment in the long term. Additionally, he encourages Tyrolean companies to consider  an IPO to finance future growth.

Read article (German only)

"Eastern Europe must be perceived as an opportunity"

July 2024 | Hans-Peter Siebenhaar | FOCUS MONEY

In a current interview with Hans-Peter Siebenhaar from FOCUS MONEY, CEO Christoph Boschan reflected on the catch-up effect of the Austrian market and the significance of dividends when comparing the Ger-man benchmark index DAX with the Austrian ATX. Austria's leading companies stand out with a historically low P/E ratio of 7.5 and a traditionally high dividend yield of nearly 6%, making them very attractive to investors. The interview also focused on the business activities of domestic listed companies in Eastern Europe and the necessary political measures to strengthen the capital markets by setting up capital pools at both the European and Austrian levels.

Read more in the article (pdf-file 425 KB, German only)

Annual press conference: Record result for Wiener Börse AG, appeal to strengthen the capital market remains unchanged

22 May 2024 | Susanne Bickel | Die Presse

Among numerous other Austrian media, ‘Die Presse’ reported on the annual press conference of Wiener Börse AG. Supervisory Board Chairman Heimo Scheuch and CEO Christoph Boschan reported, among other things, on the Group's record result of EUR 47.9 million, a new all-time high for the ATX Total Return (including dividends) of 8,566.58 points and a growing number of share owners in Austria. Scheuch and Boschan once again appealed to policymakers to further strengthen the capital market. The reintroduction of the retention period for securities and better harmonisation of the pension system with the capital market are essential in this context.

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"Underestimation of the capital market as a production factor"

5 February 2024 | ARD

CEO Christoph Boschan answers Stefan Wolff's questions as a live guest on the trading floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in "Update Wirtschaft" (Tagesschau24). Boschan outlines the differences and similarities between the Austrian and German capital markets and points out the special role of the Vienna Stock Exchange as an important hub in the CEE region. He also emphasises that the capital market as a production factor is dramatically underestimated in "old Europe". The call of the hour for policymakers must therefore be to strengthen the stock market and equity financing. The capital market is needed for stable welfare systems, a substantial and rapid transition towards a carbon-neutral future and an increase in global competitiveness, argues Boschan.

Watch interview here (German only)