CEO of the Vienna Stock Exchange expects IPOs due to the interest rate turnaround
30 December 2022 | Austria Press Agency
Towards the end of the year, Christoph Boschan reflects on the stock market year 2022 in an interview with APA and looks ahead. The focus on classic business models of listed Austrian companies proved to be an advantage in the short term. Rising interest rates make equity financing more attractive and a CO2-free economy of the future will also need equity.
"The tax is a hassle for private investors"
15 December 2022 | Robert Kleedorfer | Kurier
In the Kurier interview, the planned reform of the taxation of securities and stock ownership in Austria are discussed. CEO Christoph Boschan pleads for the reintroduction of the retention period as the right approach for private investors and to promote investment instead of speculation. He also assumes that there is a broad base of shareholders among the population.
"Falling prices are buying opportunities"
30 October 2022 | Hannes Gaisch-Faustmann | Kleine Zeitung
Regardless of the market phase, stock exchange CEO Christoph Boschan emphasizes the necessity of long-term investing. With a lifelong investment horizon, the search for the "golden entry point" is over and opportunities to benefit from systematic returns become available. There are no secrets behind this, but principles, which Boschan discusses in the interview.
Read interview here (German only)
"We have completely new investor groups"
25 October 2022 | Beate Lammer | Die Presse
CEO Christoph Boschan emphasizes the activating phase, which led to an increase in investors from different investor groups. Factors such as easier access through neobrokers, rising valuations and zero interest rates boosted the investor culture of private investors. Political framework conditions must be set so that the move from speculation to investment is now successful and the trend can continue.

New teaching materials to foster financial literacy at a young age
13 September 2022 | Ellen Lemberger | Ö1 Morgenjournal
In the Ö1 morning radio journal financial education is discussed and the pedagogue Gerald Fröhlich emphasizes the necessity to address it already at a young age. In order to encourage this, the Vienna Stock Exchange has created in cooperation with experts new teaching materials for students at secondary level I, which are supposed to pass on knowledge about money and finances in a playful way.
Christoph Boschan about the Vienna Stock Exchange
7 June 2022 | Interview OE24.TV with Judith Lindebaum | OE24.TV
As a studio guest on OE24.TV, CEO Christoph Boschan talks about the positioning and relevance of the Vienna Stock Exchange. In addition, he answers important questions regarding investing and stock trading, discusses differences between crypto exchanges and talks about future trends in the capital market.
2021 was a good year for the Vienna Stock Exchange
11 May 2022 | Susanne Bickel | Die Presse
The Austrian daily reported from the annual press briefing about the successful financial year of Wiener Börse AG. Both consolidated revenues (EUR 79.3 million, + 6.7%) and trading volume on the Vienna market (EUR 73 billion, + 7%) showed a strong result. The cyclical composition of the ATX became once more apparent as the Austrian benchmark outperformed its international peers. with + 40%. At the same time, CEO Christoph Boschan and Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger emphasize in the article the continued need to strengthen the domestic capital market.
EU taxonomy: "Innovation project or already planned economy?"
31 March 2022 | Interview Bettina Pfluger | Der Standard
In a double interview with Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger (OeKB), Christoph Boschan (Vienna Stock Exchange) talks about the transformation to the economy of the future. In addition, they comment on the attempt at standardization in the form of the EU taxonomy and how the capital market is specifically available as leverage for transformation.
Read the interview here (German only)
The millstone Ukraine war
19. März 2022 | Hans-Peter Siebenhaar | Focus-Money
The Russian-Ukrainian war is also having an impact on the Austrian market place: In an interview with Hans-Peter Siebenhaar, Christoph Boschan describes the current measures on the Vienna Stock Exchange and continues to see long-term and careful investment in high-dividend Austrian companies as attractive.
Read article (German only)
Prosperity for our children, capital for inventors
25 February 2022 | Guest commentary by Christoph Boschan | trend
In this op-ed, Christoph Boschan explains in a practical manner how an Austrian family embarks on the journey from saver to investor. Christoph Boschan also discusses how a reintroduction of the reten-tion period on the capital gains tax would further strengthen the equity investments in Austria and how this can strengthen the middle class.
Read the op-ed (pdf-file 100 KB, German only)
"Investing is neither gambling nor speculation"
3 February 2022| Marius Perger | Börsen-Kurier
In an exclusive interview with Editor-in-Chief Marius Perger, CEO Christoph Boschan takes a look back at his work at the Vienna Stock Exchange to date and gives an outlook on the future of the company. Furthermore, they address the topic of investing, which must be clearly distinguished from betting and speculation as well as the topic of increasing importance of the capital market.
How best to invest 10,000 euros
22 January 2022 | Julia Beirer, Jakob Pflügl | Der Standard
On the occasion of the ten-thousandth issue of the newspaper "Der Standard", the question of investment opportunities was raised. Christoph Boschan, CEO of the Vienna Stock Exchange, talks about the yield opportunities that shares offer and, together with other experts from the capital market, provides principles for successful investments.
Read the whole article (German only)
"Politics has to stay out of this"
11 January 2022 | Gerhard Hofer | Die Presse
Christoph Boschan in a double interview with Heimo Scheuch, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Vienna Stock Exchange and CEO of Wienerberger AG. They plead for greater forward-lookingness and, in the course of this, for a depoliticized state funds based on the international model.