"Money has never been cheaper than it is today"
27 November 2019 | Wiener Zeitung
Why does a company decide to go public in times of easily available credits? Money, visibility and order. Marinomed, Frequentis and Addiko Bank, the three most prominent IPOs this year, are perfect examples. Vienna Stock Exchange CEO Christoph Boschan in an interview with Wiener Zeitung.
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World Savings Day: Sparefroh becomes a stock market professional when interest rates slump
3 November 2019 | Der Standard
Financial education and a tax incentives would help people to gain foot in the capital market. In addition to an average yield of 6.4% of the ATX, the leading domestic index, dividends are being paid out, which reached a record high of EUR 3.2 bn for the previous year.
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Savers leave many billions of euros behind
31 October 2019 | Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung
It is time to replace World Savings Day with a World Investment Day. On the journey from saver to investor one has to think long term, says Vienna Stock Exchange CEO Boschan in the Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung of 31 October.
Time to get away from the extremes
31 October 2019 | Die Presse
The ATX is delivering 12% this year, 15% including dividends. Austrian companies distribute a record dividend of EUR 3.2 billion. An interview with Beate Lammer about the advantages of equity investments and why only a small financial elite is currently benefiting from them.
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CEO-Talk with Christoph Boschan
10 October 2019 | News
Long, intensive thinking followed by quick action, that's how Christoph Boschan, CEO of the Vienna Stock Exchange, describes his motto. In the CEO talk of the Austrian weekly magazine News, the head of the Vienna Stock Exchange gives a brief insight into his industry and his approach to work. To know why Boschan of all people would like to meet Karl Marx and what investment tips he recommends, read the original interview below.
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IPOs for SMEs
20 September 2019| der brutkasten
In the run-up to the Börsianer Festival Stefan Mey interviews Christoph Boschan. The CEO gives his investment tips for young investors and beginners. Every citizen can cast one vote with his investments. When are start-ups ready for obtaining capital, visibility and more governance by going public? Why are crypto currencies and shares not comparable as financial instruments? You can find the answers to these and more questions in the following video:
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"Financial literacy is the best investor protection"
2 August 2019 | Salzburger Nachrichten
Austrians leave many opportunities for prosperity behind – and only because they know too little about shares and the capital market. In an interview with Salzburger Nachrichten, Christoph Boschan, CEO of the Vienna Stock Exchange, talks about the importance of financial education, how it can prevent a potential financial crisis and how private investors can use the capital market as a lever to secure prosperity.
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"Stock market could be wealth distribution engine"
13 July 2019 | Der Standard
The Austrian private investor is still considered to be capital market-shy. In order for people to recognize the opportunities offered by the stock exchange and to lose their shyness of them, financial literacy must be strengthened – Christoph Boschan, CEO of the Vienna Stock Exchange, talks in an interview with Der Standard about measures that private investors can take to gain wealth.
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"Stock markets must diversify"
7 June 2019 | Börsen-Zeitung
In an interview with the Börsen-Zeitung, CEO Christoph Boschan talks about making Austrian companies more visible in the world. In order to achieve this goal, the trading system of the Vienna Stock Exchange was modernized, sales activities were focused on international markets and the network was continuously expanded.
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„Shares are the most socialist instruments of all time“
24 May 2019 | Neue Zürcher Zeitung
The Austrian shareholder ratio occupies one of the last places in Western Europe – only 5% of all households are invested in shares. Christoph Boschan talks about the high degree of inequality on the stock market and how equity investments can bring prosperity to the broad middle class.
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„A Piefke Takes Stock“
26 February 2018 | Metropole
Dealing with different customs and cultures. Christoph Boschan, the CEO of Vienna Stock Exchange – originally from Northern Germany – talks in an interview with Metropole about the different ways of dealing with finances, rules and conflicts during negotiations. The so-called "North German Gemütlichkeit" also becomes a topic.
Stocks promote equal opportunities
27 March 2019 | Börsen-Kurier
The interview with Börsen-Kurier dealt with the possibility of creating equal opportunities with stocks. Although our society enjoys a historically unique level of prosperity, equal rights and equal opportunities, a two-tier society is still accepted on the financial market.
<link news/wiener-boerse-news/news/aktien-foerdern-chancengleichheit/ _blank download "Opens internal link in current window">Read interview</link> (German only)
"Voluntariness instead of coercion"
22 February 2019 | Die Presse
The Vienna Stock Exchange creates more flexibility in financial market communication for new and already listed companies. "Voluntarity instead of coercion" is the order of the day, said Christoph Boschan, CEO of the Vienna Stock Exchange, in an interview with Nicole Stern (Die Presse). The international comparison shows that European stock exchanges such as the Euronext Group, the London Stock Exchange and the Swiss Stock Exchange also give the listed companies the freedom to choose their quarterly reporting policy.
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"The stock market is the most socialist model of wealth distribution"
2 February 2019 | OÖ Nachrichten
Dietmar Mascher, Head of Economics & Deputy Editor-in-Chief of OÖN, interviewed Christoph Boschan, CEO Vienna Sock Exchange, on the launch of the new "direct market plus" segment. He expects that around a dozen new companies will be added each year - also from the region of Upper Austria.
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"Vienna Stock Exchange targets SMEs to boost Austrian equity market participation"
28 January 2019 | Euromoney
In an interview with Lucy Fitzgerald-Parker from Euromoney, CEO Christoph Boschan takes stock of the launch of the new market segment for SMEs. "The idea is always to provide SMEs with easy, inexpensive and fast access to the stock exchange. We want to make that possible in Austria as well." Eight companies are tradable in the "direct market plus", while 23 companies are listed in the "direct market" basic segment.