"Equal opportunities" for stock exchanges and banking industry
20 December 2018 | Die Presse
"Banks and their own securities trading platforms are much less strictly regulated," says Vienna Stock Exchange CEO Christoph Boschan in an interview with Die Presse, "Fair competition looks different". Nevertheless, the stock exchange's turnover is developing satisfactory: in 2018 turnover in stock trading is expected to rise by six percent to almost 70 billion euros.
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High yielding investments need financial education and tax incentives
24 October 2018 | Die Presse & Kurier
At the press conference on 23 October, Wiener Börse CEO Boschan presented the results of a study commissioned by Wiener Börse. The study explored the attractiveness of various forms of savings and investment from the perspective of the Austrian population. One of the topics discussed in the press conference were the needs of the stock market in order to distribute wealth. Boschan once again advocated more financial education and tax advantages for shares.
Read article in Kurier (German only)
Read article in Die Presse (German only)

Investing is a marathon, not a sprint
15 October 2018 | Österreich
In an interview with the daily newspaper Österreich, Vienna Stock Exchange CEO Christoph Boschan talks about the big impact of small amounts. What is necessary to call a solid capital cushion one's own when retired, you can read in this interview.
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"No place of fast wealth"
10 September 2018 | Vorarlberger Nachrichten
In an interview with Vorarlberger Nachrichten, CEO Boschan highlighted the important role of the stock exchange as a growth driver and job engine. Every eleventh job in Austria is associated with a listed company. In general, a developed capital market also has a positive economic effect through higher growth. According to governmental plans, SMEs will be able to raise capital on the stock exchange again.

"Investing in shares is a marathon, not a sprint."
5 September 2018 | Tiroler Tageszeitung
During his tour through Tyrol CEO Christoph Boschan held talks about the advantages of a stock exchange listing with the Tyrolean daily newspaper Tiroler Tageszeitung. Listed companies are generally more successful than others. Private investors also enjoyed an average return of 6 % in the last quarter of a century if they invested for the long term, Boschan points out.
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Stock exchange launches crypto index - New SME segment in planning
19 June 2018 | Die Presse
"The Vienna Stock Exchange is ready to launch a new market segment in autumn, aimed at SMEs and young companies and replacing the former 'mid market'," explained CEO Boschan at the press conference on June 19. Since June 19, the Vienna Stock Exchange has also distributed a new crypto index. The 20 most important crypto currencies are covered. Read more about the annual press conference of the Vienna Stock Exchange in the article written by Die Presse.
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Vienna Stock Exchange is ready for new SME segment
20 June 2018 | Wiener Zeitung
The SME segments "direct market" and "direct market plus" of the Vienna Stock Exchange are ready to start. "We could roll them out at any time,"" explained Vienna Stock Exchange CEO Christoph Boschan at the annual press conference on 19 June.
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"Anyone who says startups must also say stock market"
30 April 2018 | Addendum
In an interview with Addendum, CEO Boschan addressed the access barriers for small and medium-sized enterprises. There is no SME exchange – politically prevented – for Austrian companies.
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US investors dominate Vienna
23 April 2018 | Die Presse
Above all, shareholders from the USA are in charge of the domestic capital market. With an investment volume of EUR 9.5 billion, they represent the largest group of institutional investors on the Vienna Stock Exchange for the fifth time. The study carried out by the financial service provider Ipreo on behalf of the Vienna Stock Exchange is the subject of an article in the Austrian daily newspaper Die Presse
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Smart stock market nerd
2nd quarter 2018 | Der Börsianer
In the magazine "Börsianer", CEO Christoph Boschan tells about his first one and a half years at the Vienna Stock Exchange. The interview with Dominik Hojas and Raja Korinek deals with the repositioning of the Vienna Stock Exchange as an infrastructure provider, global megatrends such as ETF trading, visions and much more.
Government to become more active in location policy
6 February 2018 | Der Standard
In an interview with Bettina Pfluger (Der Standard), CEO Boschan once again emphasized the need for attractive framework conditions in order to succeed in international competition. 85% of the Austrian population see the capital market and the stock exchange as a support for the Austrian economy.... "The new government's location and capital market policy must be implemented quickly," Boschan emphasizes.