LastChg. % 1DChg. Abs.
Created with Highcharts 99.9.9Oct '24Nov '24Dec '24Jan '25Feb '25Mar '2525.0030.0035.0040.0045.00
Reference Price141.8500
Bid Size/Ask Size17/973
Number Of Trades168
Last Volume2734
Total Value22,354,190

Performance data

Monthly Performance (MOM)+15.13%
Year-to-Date (YTD)+37.89%
52 Weeks Performance (YOY)+44.81%

Reference data & dividend

Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe (VIG) is the leading insurance group in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). More than 50 insurance companies and pension funds in 30 countries form a Group with a long-standing tradition, strong brands and close customer relations. The around 29,000 employees in the VIG take care of the day-to-day needs of around 32 million customers. VIG shares have been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1994, on the Prague Stock Exchange since 2008 and on the Budapest Stock Exchange since November 2022. The company has an A+ rating with a stable outlook from the internationally recognized rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) and thus remains one of the companies with the best rating in the Austrian Traded Index (ATX) of the Vienna Stock Exchange. VIG cooperates closely with the Erste Group, the largest retail bank in Central and Eastern Europe.


Trading parameters

Average prices & details

Generally, reference prices likewise correspond to prices (last trading day) from trades in a security.
  - Reference prices for securities that have been newly admitted to trading shall be determined by the
  exchange operating company.
  - Whenever the exchange operating company receives notice of corporate actions or distributions that
  may influence the price of a security, a reference price is determined for the ex-trading day adjusted
  for the theoretical value of the security.
  Further information on the reference price can be found in the
  Trading Rules for the Xetra® Trading System - § 5 Price Determination and Reference Price.
2 Double Counting
  Last Volume = number of traded securities of the last trade;
  Total Volume = sum of all traded securities of the last trading day
3 Calculated by Vienna Stock Exchange