LastChg. % 1DChg. Abs.

1 Provided by the company

Source: provided by the company
Record date "Dividends": Date on which settled positions are struck in the books of the Issuer`s CSD at close of business to determine the entitlement to dividends. Origination of entitlement is still linked to the Ex-dividend date.
Record date "Annual General Meeting": Date for participation to Annual General Meeting.

ReportsBusiness YearFormatSize
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF548 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF653 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF87 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006/2007PDF123 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF309 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006/2007PDF37 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF215 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF198 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF2.2 MB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF125 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF323 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF107 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006/2007PDF515 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF240 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF2.8 MB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006/2007PDF80 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF129 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF71 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF897 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF1.7 MB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF138 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF421 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF430 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF360 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006/2007PDF396 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF251 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF189 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF322 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF359 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF636 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006/2007PDF1.1 MB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF62 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF358 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006/2007PDF83 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006/2007PDF82 KB
Interim Report or Report 3rd Quarter2006PDF104 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006PDF136 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006/2007PDF191 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006PDF255 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006PDF2.2 MB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006PDF179 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006PDF120 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006PDF640 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006PDF96 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006PDF543 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006/2007PDF176 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006/2007PDF36 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006PDF497 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006PDF60 KB
Interim Report or Report 2nd Quarter2006/2007PDF1.9 MB

Source: provided by the company

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