Display use

The product EXAA 10:15 Auction including EXAA Green Power includes traded prices and volumes from the EXAA 10:15 auction for the Austrian and German electricity markets for block products, hourly products, and quarter-hour products, as well as

  • Volumes from the post-trading auction for hourly and block products
  • Buy and sell trading volumes for quarter-hour products as well as the total volume of quarter-hour trading
  • Prices and traded volumes from the location spreads for block products
  • History of prices and volumes for the current year (DS history file)

The product EXAA 12:00 MC Auction includes the market clearing prices determined in the 12.00 noon market coupling auction as well as the traded buy and sell volumes on EXAA for the Austrian and German price zone for block products and hourly products.

The product EXAA All Auctions Full Package includes data from the EXAA 10:15 auction and from the EXAA 12:00 noon MC Auction as well as the aggregated curves of these two auction types.

File descriptions and sample files

Historical data

On request – please contact mds​(a)​wienerboerse.at

Non-display/derived data use

The market data of the EXAA include all types of use of the derived data and non-display use until further notice.

Kontakt Market Data Sales Team
An Handelstagen von 8:00 bis 18:00 Uhr.