
Weisenheimer Legal is a law firm specializing in corporate finance, banking and capital markets law as well as M&A. In these areas we advise domestic and foreign companies on transactions and provide general legal advice. Together with our partners at Weisenheimer, we can offer holistic transaction support that goes beyond pure legal advice; from strategy and communication to the establishment of investor contacts. Through our subsidiary Weisenheimer Ventures, we also participate ourselves in interesting projects in the early-stage area.

Volume of financing

No minimum volume

Scope of services

  • Holistic transaction advice
  • Investor contacts especially in the small and midcap area
  • General legal advice

References & portfolio

  • Public offering of corporate bonds of PV-Invest GmbH in 2016, 2017 and 2018 each with a total volume of up to EUR 15 million
  • Public offering of investments in the form of subordinated loans with a total volume of up to EUR 12.5 million for the Falkensteiner Group in 2017 and 2018
  • Public offering of investments in the form of subordinated loans with a total volume of up to EUR 4 million by Biogena Naturprodukte GmbH & Co KG in 2018
  • ViraTherapeutics GmbH: support of two financing rounds and the exit of VC investors on the part of the company (2018)
  • IMS Nanofabrication AG: support of various financing rounds and the exit of the existing shareholders via a trade sale on the part of the company (2016)


Vienna, Austria


Walfischgasse 8/Top 34
1010 Wien
T +43 1 361 9002-0
F +43 1 361 9002-999


Contact person

Robert Leuthner
T +43 1 361 9002-100