
UKcom Finance Agentur und Beratung für Finanzkommunikation GmbH is available for the following special topics within financial communication.

Initial public offering/capital increase:

The role of financial communications depends largely on the volume, the target audience (institutional or private investors, analysts and rating agencies) at the IPO and the awareness of the company or industry. Private investors as part of the target audience require a targeted campaign. The larger the volume, the more important it is to build excitement early on to increase awareness and thus demand. 

Issuing bonds:

Bond communication puts interest-bearing securities (bonds), which companies use to finance themselves via borrowed capital, at the center of communication. In bond communication, suitable communication concepts must be developed. This includes a sustainable communication strategy, a plausible bond story, a convincing bond presentation and a tailored target group approach within the media and the financial community.

M&A as well as crisis communication:

Openness in the course of M&A and crisis communications is essential to build or maintain trust among shareholders, employees, interest groups, the media and the general public. All activities must be closely coordinated with lawyers and financial advisors.

Service & support

UKcom Finance provides companies and their communications managers with advice and content for the strategic planning and operational implementation of the following IR measures, among others.

  • Regular Disclosures: (Integrated) annual reports & quarterly reports
  • Ad-hoc Disclosures: Publication of price-relevant information to avoid insider information
  • Major events: Annual General Meeting, Capital Markets Day
  • Investor relations: roadshows, investor conferences, ongoing investor meetings, conference calls, company visits by investors, small shareholder events, earnings fair, etc.
  • Analyst coverage: ongoing phone calls, conference calls, analyst conferences
  • Other: IR website updates, presentation layout, compliance, internal, new products, technologies, marketing, strategy

UKcom Finance also specializes in communications support for IPOs, bond placements and capital market transactions.

References & portfolio

  • As Owner and Managing Director of UKcom Finance, Ute Greutter can draw on 25 years of professional experience, including 9 years on the corporate side and 16 years as an independent communications consultant specializing in financial communications/investor relations.
  • On the corporate side, her responsibilities included overall communications for the two (formerly) listed real estate companies CEE IMMO AG and conwert Immobilien Invest SE. Prior to that, she worked for T-Mobile Austria for 5 years.
  • Her reference list as a consultant includes well-known non-listed as well as listed companies from the ATX and ATX Prime in Austria.
  • Ute Greutter is also a certified supervisory board expert.

Head office

Vienna, Austria


Tuchlauben 8/501
1010 Vienna



UKcom Finance Agentur und Beratung für Finanzkommunikation GmbH
Ute Greutter, CSE
Owner & Managing Partner
T +43 1 394 1100
F +43 1 394 1100 - 20