
Binder Grösswang has been ranked among the leading law firms in Austria for more than 50 years. Our activities focus on international issues, especially M&A and financing transactions, major arbitration and litigation and advice on matters of corporate, banking, public procurement and competition and real estate law. Binder Grösswang’s team in the offices of Vienna and Innsbruck consists of more than 150 employees, including approximately 100 lawyers. We assist considerable national and international companies of all business sectors and all business size.

Criteria for financing

Binder Grösswang assists national and international companies of all business sectors and all business size.

Scope of service

Binder Grösswang assists national and international companies in all legal issues relating to capital markets, stock exchange and investment funds, including public offers of financial instruments, drafting of prospectus, admission to trading, drafting of underwriting agreements and rendering of Legal Opinions. We regularly assist companies with their IPOs and SPOs as well as banks and issuers in documenting bonds and Debt Issuance Programmes. We work with numerous investment funds and advise banks and companies on the use of financial derivates. Binder Grösswang regularly assists international investment banks.


Vienna, Austria


Sterngasse 13
1010 Vienna
T +43 1 53480-0
F +43 1 53480-8


Contact persons

Florian Khol
T +43 1 53480-440
F +43 1 53480-8