
Wiener Privatbank SE is a private bank based in Vienna and listed at the Austrian stock-exchange.

The offered services for private and corporate customers as well as institutional investors cover private banking services, asset management, corporate & investment banking and real estate products & services.

Criteria for financing

Small and medium-sized companies of all industries, which have an attractive business model for investors, clear visions and solid corporate structure with growth potential.

Financing volume

Case by case, depending on structure and industry

Scope of services

Wiener Privatbank SE offers a rich variety of capital market services to meet any customer's needs. From IPOs, SPOs and following capital increases to private placements or bond emissions.

The services at a glance:

  • Advice on the structuring and the conception of capital market transactions
  • Assisting in preparation of marketing documents
  • Coordination with transaction-related consultants
  • Support of the external legal adviser in the preparation of the legal documentation
  • Support with regard to Vienna Stock Exchange listing procedure
  • Paying agent services
  • Preparation and processing of issues
  • Technical processing of the transaction
  • Coaching and support of the IR-Manager for the capital market activity

Reference data

  • Vienna Estate Immobilien AG
  • Wiener Stadthäuser Alpha GmbH
  • Wolftank-Adisa Holding AG
  • :be AG
  • Biogena Group Invest AG
  • Kostad AG


Vienna, Austria


Parkring 12
1010 Vienna, Austria
T +43 1 534 31-0
F +43 1 534 31-710


Contact persons

Eduard Berger
Member of the Management Board
T +43 1 534 31-300
F +43 1 534 31-710