
Konsultori are the Business Development Experts.

We are working with midsized companies and startups on their growth and corporate development.

Our focus areas:

  • Strategy review
  • Go-to-market and lead generation
  • Setting up partnerships
  • Profitability, funding and performance optimization
  • Corporate finance (valuation, fundraising)
  • Negotiation support

Financing volume

500,000 – 30,000,000 EUR

Scope of services

Expertise, Training, Interim Management, Coaching and Negotiation.


  • Financial Planning
  • Valuations
  • Investment Teaser and Information Memorandum
  • Investors Roadshow
  • Due Diligence
  • Negotiations with investors
  • Planning and implementing business transfers

Corporate finance:

  • Finance Audit
  • Financial Process Management
  • Reporting and Planning
  • Optimization of balance sheet and cash-flow
  • Optimization and negotiations of funding contracts
  • Financial Modelling
  • Business Planning
  • Corporate Governance and Regulations
  • Investor Relations Set-Up and Communication

Reference data


Konsultori BD GmbH
Währingerstraße 3/10
1090 Wien


Währingerstraße 3/10
1090 Wien


Contact persons

Petra Wolkenstein
M&A Expert, CEO
T +43 680 2213753