
The Danube Angels experts review, structure and administrate early- and second stage investments in the DACH-region and the CEE-region for investors (the crowd) via a trusteeship solution. Together with our network of investors and partners we support these companies to grow beyond their home market via Vienna/Austria. Crowdinvesting for professionals by professionals.

Criteria for financing

  • Seat of the issuer is in the DACH or CEE region
  • Legal form is a corporation
  • Usage of capital for the operative business
  • Corporation is profit- and growth-orientated

Volume of financing

EUR 50.000 to 500.000

Scope of services

  • Provision of equity capital through crowdinvesting
  • Ongoing support through the danube angels network and contacts in CEE and Western Europe
  • Business development support in the fields of tax advisory, marketing&sales, corporate finance and legal advisory

Reference data

  • Octago j.s.a, Slovakia, EUR 104.250 for a stake of 13,34%, 2017
  • Sledgehammer Wintersport GmbH, Austria, EUR 86.000 for a stake of 33,51%, 2017
  • SmartGuide s.r.o., Czech Republic, EUR 53.000 for a stake of 3,58%, 2018




Herbeckstraße 5
1080 Vienna


Contact persons

Paul G. Putz, MBA
T +43 664 5210484

Sebastian Goldfuss, BSc (WU)
Project Manager
T +43 664 1539924