
The C4 Group was founded in 2001 by top investment bankers and industry executives. Via C4 growth companies from Austria and Southern Germany will get access to equity for growth financing. C4 transactions are accompanied by a high degree of entrepreneurial understanding. More than 20 IPOs and Secondaries on the Vienna and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges represent the personal trac record of the C4 Capital Market Team (Capital Markets is one of four C4 divisions).

5 decades of personal capital market expertise, and more than 100 transactions represent C4 as the leading Austrian address providing equity to dynamic, growth companies via structured financial rounds. The track record of dual Crowd & Equity Financing – including the 4 largest Crowd-transactions in Austria is one of the last capital market innovations for SME's.

As entrepreneur for entrepreneurs, C4 is a competent, trustworthy and independent partner in all equity financing and capital market activities.

Criteria for financing

Exciting Business Case – high growth potential

Financing volume

Minimum volume for venture capital transactions: EUR 2m
Minimum volume for IPO or stock market transactions: EUR 20m

Scope of services

C4 division „Capital Markets“

    • Investment Banking
    • Capital market and corporate finance consulting
    • Capital Market Coach

    Range of services

      • Initial public offerings (IPOs, capital increases, convertible loans)
      • Listings (inclusion in non-regulated stock markets)
      • Financial Advisory
      • Employee stock ownership plans
      • Expansion and pre-IPO equity financing
      • Alternative financing (crowdinvesting campaigns)
      • Assistance with access to institutional clients, marketing, and 
      • investor relations support
      • Organization of roadshows, conferences and one-on-one meetings

      Reference data

      Crowdinvesting campaign:

        • EUR 1m – Kaahée R&D GmbH (total EUR 2.5m)
        • EUR 0.72m – neovoltaic AG (total EUR 6m)
        • EUR 1.2m. – COOEE alpin; (IPO-preparation EUR 20m)
        • EUR 0.6m – Scarletred (equity financing to be finalized)

        Stock exchange transactions (selected personal references):

          • Lauda Air (IPO, Takeover by Austrian Airlines)
          • Auricon (IPO, Holding Waagner Biro, Binder & Co,)
          • Trust Invest (IPO, today Management Trust Holding)
          • Steirerobst (IPO, Takeover by Agrana)
          • Kies Union (IPO, Takeover by Ready Mix)
          • Maculan (Convertible Bond)
          • Pankl & Hofmann (IPO)
          • Jenbacher (IPO, Takeover by General Electric)
          • Röhrig High Tech Plastics (IPO, today HTI Group)
          • Lenzing (Secondary)
          • Semperit (Secondary)
          • Polytec (IPO-Advisor – Lead Manager)

          More than 100 venture financing rounds and M&A deals.


          Vienna, Austria


          Tuchlauben 8
          1010 Vienna
          T 01/5327888


          Contact persons

          Hannes Voit, Tkfm., Certified Consultant
          Founder, CEO
          T +43 676/842619400

          Walter Lederer
          Head Shared Interest
          T +43 676/842619600