
Specialization in equity and debt financing, M&A, management participation and capital markets. Our clients are medium-sized and large international corporations as well as private and institutional investors. More than 500 transactions are proof of our renowned expertise. The established interdisciplinary competence network, the high level of customer satisfaction and the large number of publications reflect our recognised reputation.

Criteria for financing

Europe, focus on DACH | All industries | >10 million € | Convincing management | Reliable accounting | Unique selling points and innovative capacity

Financing volume

1 million € to 1 billion €

Scope of services

Advice on equity and debt financing, acquisition and sale of companies, management participation in private equity transactions, management incentives for listed and non-listed companies, structuring of board remuneration and capital market support. Extensive network to family offices and national/international investment companies. Established, wide-ranging contacts to all capital market players. Core target clients are medium-sized and owner-managed companies.

Reference data

List of references




Paul-Heyse-Straße 28 
D-80336 München


Contact persons

Dr. Konrad Bösl
Senior Partner
T +49 (0) 89 210294 60

Prof. Dr, Alexander Götz
Senior Partner
T +49 (0) 89 210294 60

Karina Wildner
Managing Director
T +49 (0) 89 210294 60