
Advantage Finance is an owner-managed business consultancy that also acts as an investor for selected companies. The focus is on strategy consulting, M&A, corporate financing including the search for private equity, financial communication and investor relations. We are host of the Capital Market Conferences Family Office Days which have taken place several times a year since 2015. At these conferences we bring together family offices and companies seeking investment of any kind.

Criteria for financing

Region: Austria, Germany, Swiss.
Industries: All

Volume of financing

The investment amounts reach from small rounds of financing to transactions in the double-digit million area.

Scope of services

We act as advisers and investors. Our comprehensive operating experience allows us to offer individualized and extensive consulting services in the areas of M&A, corporate financing, IPO consulting, business plan, financial communication, investor relations and management coaching. We are organizing the Capital Market Conferences Family Office Days several times a year. These conference are a finance platform to bring together companies seeking investments with investors and family offices.

Reference data

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Schwindgasse 5
1040 Vienna


Contact persons

Sabine Duchaczek
Owner of Advantage Finance and founder of Family Office Day
T +43 664 454 7771

Robert Frühwirth
T +43 676 814 283889