
The 21 Group offers innovative companies access to bank-independent growth capital via online and offline channels and accompanies them as a service provider in the successful implementation of their goals.

Regardless of their size, we create opportunities for private and institutional investors to participate in the success of promising projects.

Criteria for financing

Depending on the project

Volume of financing

Minimum volume EUR 200,000

Scope of services

Corporate finance consulting

    • Capital Market Coach (CMC) of the Vienna Stock Exchange
    • Stock exchange listings & IPOs
    • Capital markets consulting (stock market- & capital market prospectuses, AIFMG, VIB, etc.)
    • Financial advisory
    • Structuring investors' finances
    • Mergers & acquisitions
    • Due diligence audits

    Investor network

      • Business Angels
      • Institutional investors
      • Private Equity & Venture Capital Fonds
      • Crowdinvesting
      • Private placements
      • Public placements
      • Equity & borrowed capital
      • Mezzanine capital

      Financial & emission marketing

      • Pitch Deck
      • Equity Story & CEO Positioning
      • Whitepaper ICO
      • Crowdinvesting & -funding Marketing
      • Financial- & Emission Marketing
      • Regular reportings (quarterly reports)
      • Investor Relations
      • Ongoing PR & Crisis PR

      Technology & services

      • Online-Investing Software for Issuers
      • Crowdfunding & -investor Software
      • ICO Funding-Software
      • Investors Administration
      • Data Rooms
      • White-Label Solutions
      • One-Click Investing
      • Multi-Channel Fundraising System

      Reference data

      • GW Energie Holding – Photovoltaik Contracting
      • Beerjet – Fully automatic beer tap
      • Kreutzers – Gourmet Onlineshop
      • Utschtal Kraftwerke – Hydroelectric power stations


      Linz, Austria


      Klosterstraße 3/3
      4020 Linz
      T +43 732 99 70 37
      F +43 732 99 70 371


      Contact person

      Daniel Eder
      T +43 660 65 34 876