Wiener Börse AG
Wallnerstraße 8
P.O.Box 73
A-1010 Vienna
T +43 1 531 65-0
F +43 1 532 97 40
Legal Form: Stock Corporation
Registered Office: Vienna
Companies Register Number: FN 161826 f
Competent Court of Companies Registry: Commercial Court of Vienna
VAT ID No.: ATU43751301
Wiener Börse AG is member of the Vienna Economic Chamber.
Management Board
Supervisory Board
Object of Business of Wiener Börse AG pursuant to the Articles of Association
- The management and administration of the Vienna Stock Exchange as a securities exchange and a general commodity exchange for the trading of instruments (including but not limited to financial instruments pursuant to § 1 no 7 Securities Supervision Act 2018) as defined in § 1 no 1 Stock Exchange Act 2018 as well as the financial instruments defined in § 1 no 3 Stock Exchange Act 2018. The object of business also comprises the operation of regulated markets and multilateral trading systems in its function as an exchange operating company in the meaning of the Stock Exchange Act 2018, as amended.
- Establishment of the Takeover Commission pursuant to the Takeover Act 1998, as amended.
- To act as a clearing house for options and financial futures contracts pursuant to § 9 para 3 Stock Exchange Act 2018, either itself or through a subsidiary or affiliated company provided the entity has a license to act as a central counterparty (CCP).
- The clearing of options and financial futures contracts on the Vienna Stock Exchange, either itself or through a subsidiary or affiliated company provided the entity has a license to act as a central counterparty (CCP).
- Establishment, making available and maintenance of the automated trading and clearing and settlement systems.
- Provision of services for automated data processing and information technology.
- Collection, processing, distribution and sale of stock exchange, market and financial information.
- Providing consulting in connection with services relating to the management and administration of securities exchanges, general commodity exchanges and multilateral trading systems, as well as the provision of consulting and other services for stock exchanges, operators of regulated markets, multilateral trading systems, clearing and settlement systems, and consulting in connection with stock exchanges, operators of regulated markets, multilateral trading systems and clearing and settlement systems.
- The provision of data reporting services within the scope of an approved publication arrangement pursuant to § 1 no 60 Securities Supervision Act 2018.
- Acquisition and ownership of stakes in other companies in Austria and abroad, including but not limited to exchange operating companies.
- The company is authorized to engage in all transactions and take all measures that may be deemed necessary or useful for achieving the object of the company, including but not limited to the acquisition of real estate, the establishment of branches and subsidiaries in Austria and abroad.
- The provision of services of any kind for payment of a fee to companies in which it owns shares within the meaning of § 2 para 10.
Declaration on the general orientation of this website
The website of Wiener Börse AG – – serves as an information portal for the Austrian capital market addressing both private investors and professional market participants. At the heart of the content offered on the website is the price data on the securities traded on the Vienna Stock Exchange and information on financial products. The latest market data are supplemented by trading news, APA news and information provided by the listed companies. A further focus of the website is the separate zone set up for newcomers designed to provide potential investors and interested parties with fundamental knowledge on investment themes. Information prepared specifically for issuers, trading members and investors round off the web content of the Vienna Stock Exchange.