Terms - Alphabetical Index
Note: All security figures are calculated with the cost-model.
Price at which a security is offered for sale.
Best ask size
If bid/ask shows a zero value and if bid/ask size shows a tradable volume the order book contains a market order. There are the following basic types of orders:
Market Order: Market orders are unlimited buy or sell orders to be executed at the next price that is determined.
Limit Orders: Limit orders are buy or sell orders to be executed at the set limit price or better.
Price a prospective buyer is willing to pay.
Indicates if the order type of Bid/Ask is a market order or a limit order. 0: Market Order, 1: Limit Order
Best bid size
If bid/ask shows a zero value and if bid/ask size shows a tradable volume the order book contains a market order. There are the following basic types of orders:
Market Order: Market orders are unlimited buy or sell orders to be executed at the next price that is determined.
Limit Orders: Limit orders are buy or sell orders to be executed at the set limit price or better.
Indicates the type of fund. e.g. equity fund; bond fund
Percentage change / absolute change of last trade price to the last trade price of the previous trading day resp. the previous last trade price generally.
This is the date the dividend will actually be given to the shareholders of company.
Date and time of last traded price.
The currency in which the ETFs are issued.
The fraction of the underlying indicates which part of the index is represented by the fund. Hence for a ratio of 1:10 the fund is worth the tenth part of the index.
Indicates the frequency of dividend payments.
Last daily high of listing.
Last historic close of listing.
The indicative NAV is calculated on a continuous basis by aggregating all assets’ market prices. It represents the portfolio’s real time fair value. The indicative NAV is used as a benchmark for market prices.
The auction price that would have been determined if the auction were to close at this point in time.
(International Securities Identification Number) Individual Securities Identification Number, prodived for electronic registration of securities on an international basis.
The value of a derivative, e.g. warrant, certificate, performance linked bond, exchange traded fund (ETF) is derived from the value of the underlying instrument. Typical underlyings are stocks, indices, currencies, commodities or also stock baskets.
Bank or financial institution that issues the instrument
Last trade price.
Last amount of dividend payment
Part of the profit, which was recently distributed to the shareholders.
Number of traded securities of the last trade.
Last daily low of listing.
Management Fee for the administration of the fund.
The value of a derivative, e.g. warrant, certificate, performance linked bond, exchange traded fund (ETF) is derived from the value of the underlying instrument. Typical underlyings are stocks, indices, currencies, commodities or stock baskets.
Number of trades of a trading day.
Last open of listing.
The main investment region of the fund.
Sector affiliation of the fund.
possible content: B/S/N
B: surplus in auction is on Buy-side (demand exceeds supply).
S: surplus in auction is on Sell-side (supply exceeds demand).
N: No surplus in auction.
A surplus of orders is given if demand in a listing exceeds supply at the end of the call phase in an auction, or if supply exceeds demand at the end of the call phase in an auction. Market participants have the possibility to execute orders from the remaining surplus of an auction (i.e., orders with an auction price limit or a better limit that were left unfilled) at the auction price.
For listings traded with closed orderbook in an auction information concerning potential surplus in auction is available during the entire call phase. For all instruments traded with open orderbook the surplus in auction is displayed only during the Price determination phase.
The Call phase is the opening phase of an auction that is followed by the price determination phase or, if applicable, the order book balancing phase. During this phase, market participants may enter new orders.
Underlying currency of the ETF.
Continuous trading
Trading form in which securities prices are determined continuously during the trading session.
A trading procedure on an exchange in which liquidity is concentrated by bundling and taking into account all orders placed. Buy and sell orders are listed opposite to each other in an orderbook and the auction price is determined by applying the principle of matching as many orders as possible.
Time frame during which a security is tradeable on a trading day.
Turnover value of the trading day in double count.
Turnover volume of the trading day in double count.
The fund manager decides to either distribute profits to shareholders or to retain them within the fund.
Highest price in the last 52 weeks.
The calculation of is based on intraday trades.
Lowest price in the last 52 weeks.
The calculation of is based on intraday trades.