Here you can find the exchange rates from Euro (EUR) to other currencies. The main exchange rates and currency pairs for Europe include EUR - USD, EUR - CHF, EUR - GBP. The performance of the exchange rates, e.g. the price development of the currencies, can be viewed by clicking on the individual lines.
Last | Chg. % 1D Chg. Abs. | Date Time | Open | High | Low | Year High1 | Year Low1 | |
EUR USD | 1.0785 | +0.40% +0.0044 | 03/27/2025 05:25:58 | 1.0741 | 1.0786 | 1.0741 | 1.1212 | 1.0180 |
EUR BAM | 1.9558 | +0.37% +0.0073 | 03/27/2025 03:08:10 | 1.9417 | 1.9558 | 1.9417 | 2.0011 | 1.9235 |
EUR BGN | 1.9558 | 0.00% 0.0000 | 03/22/2025 10:00:06 | 1.9558 | 1.9558 | 1.9558 | 1.9558 | 1.9558 |
EUR CHF | 0.9513 | +0.17% +0.0016 | 03/27/2025 05:25:59 | 0.9498 | 0.9514 | 0.9497 | 0.9930 | 0.9207 |
EUR CNY | 7.8257 | +0.17% +0.0132 | 03/27/2025 04:55:25 | 7.8212 | 7.8257 | 7.8212 | 7.9706 | 7.4067 |
EUR CZK | 24.8772 | +0.08% +0.0202 | 03/27/2025 04:59:42 | 24.8759 | 24.8772 | 24.8680 | 25.4680 | 24.5294 |
EUR GBP | 0.8345 | +0.05% 0.0004 | 03/27/2025 05:25:58 | 0.8341 | 0.8348 | 0.8340 | 0.8644 | 0.8223 |
EUR HUF | 400.1830 | +0.05% +0.1930 | 03/27/2025 04:59:42 | 400.1400 | 400.4000 | 400.1400 | 416.1890 | 382.9500 |
EUR JPY | 161.8670 | +0.16% +0.2630 | 03/27/2025 05:25:58 | 161.6130 | 161.9360 | 161.5530 | 175.4130 | 154.4570 |
EUR PLN | 4.1823 | -0.01% -0.0003 | 03/27/2025 03:59:41 | 4.1816 | 4.1833 | 4.1816 | 4.3778 | 4.1295 |
EUR RON | 4.9736 | 0.00% 0.0000 | 03/27/2025 05:00:42 | 4.9734 | 4.9738 | 4.9734 | 5.0606 | 4.9358 |
EUR RSD | 116.8372 | -0.17% -0.1948 | 03/26/2025 08:30:26 | 116.8372 | 116.8372 | 116.8372 | 117.6364 | 115.6203 |
EUR RUB | 90.7050 | +0.48% +0.4290 | 03/27/2025 04:50:25 | 90.6220 | 90.7050 | 90.6220 | 119.4940 | 88.5820 |
EUR UAH | 44.9342 | +0.35% +0.1589 | 03/27/2025 05:00:42 | 44.7912 | 44.9342 | 44.7912 | 46.3397 | 41.1599 |
USD | US Dollar | BAM | Convertible Mark | ||||
BGN | Bulgarian Lew | CHF | Swiss Franc | ||||
CNY | Chinese Yuan Renminbi | CZK | Czech Koruna | ||||
GBP | British Pound | HUF | Hungarian Forint | ||||
JPY | Japanese Yen | PLN | Polish Zloty | ||||
RON | Romanian Leu | RSD | Serbian Dinar | ||||
RUB | Russian Rouble | UAH | Ukraine Hryvnia |
Euro exchange rates
The exchange rate is the current price of one currency expressed in another currency. The price is formed on the foreign exchange market. No currencies are traded on the Vienna Stock Exchange, but as an additional service for our users, we provide on this page free of charge exchange rates from Euro to the most important international currencies such as US Dollar, Swiss Franc, British Pound, etc. In the table above you can find data on the last price, the price change, the opening price, the daily high, the daily low, the yearly high and the yearly low of the currency pairs. Detailed information as well as an exchange rate chart showing the performance of the exchange rate of the selected currency pair is available after clicking on the individual lines.
Overview of all Exchange Rates and Currency Calculator
Exchange rates EUR
Exchange rates USD
Cross rates
Euro fixed rates
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1 Last 52 weeks (based on close values)
Notice: At the Vienna Stock Exchange no currencies are traded.
Exchange rates 15 minutes delayed
Source: FactSet
The exchange rates are based on external data deliveries (OTCD FX data comprising of multiple contributors as data source). The prices are not market prices, but synthetically calculated exchange rates that represent an indication to the actual market prices.