1 EUR-1.04240.93137.606325.08400.8298413.5000163.18004.2574108.0110
1 USD0.9593-0.89307.295624.05800.7959396.6900156.40704.0811102.5000
1 CHF1.07271.1193-8.167226.93300.8901444.0100175.12004.5690115.9762
1 CNY0.13150.13710.1224-3.29780.109154.362821.43850.559714.2002
1 CZK0.03990.04160.03710.3032-0.033116.48466.51040.16974.3060
1 GBP1.20461.25651.12249.166430.2440-498.5900196.64005.1307130.2270
1 HUF0.00240.00250.00230.01840.06070.0020-0.39440.01030.2612
1 JPY0.00610.00640.00570.04660.15360.00512.5356-0.02610.6619
1 PLN0.23490.24500.21891.78665.89190.194997.125038.3877-25.3702
1 RUB0.00930.00980.00860.07040.23220.00773.82831.51080.0394-
EUR Euro USD US Dollar
CHF Swiss Franc CNY Chinese Yuan Renminbi
CZK Czech Koruna GBP British Pound
HUF Hungarian Forint JPY Japanese Yen
PLN Polish Zloty RUB Russian Rouble     

1 Last 52 weeks (based on close values)

Notice: At the Vienna Stock Exchange no currencies are traded.


Source: FactSet

The exchange rates are based on external data deliveries (OTCD FX data comprising of multiple contributors as data source). The prices are not market prices, but synthetically calculated exchange rates that represent an indication to the actual market prices.