With our annual retrospective, we would like to take a moment together and let the highlights of the Vienna Stock Exchange year 2023 shine like the virtual stars on our Christmas tree.

The previous year was characterised by a challenging economic environment with high interest rates, inflation and geopolitical tensions. We are focusing on the positive aspects: interest in corporate financing via the stock exchange is high – the ringing of the opening bells at this year's stock market debuts and bond listings sounded even sweeter to us than "Jingle Bells" in the festive season. 🔔

In this spirit, let us look to the future with optimism. We wish you happy holidays and good luck, health & success for the new year.

New stocks in top segment prime market

New stocks in top segment prime market

With AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS and EuroTeleSites, there were two new entries to the prime market price list, RWT was added to the direct market plus.

Sustainable bonds & Vienna MTF on the rise

Sustainable bonds & Vienna MTF on the rise

Vienna MTF remains Europe's No. 1 exchange-regulated segment for debt listings & more than 100 bonds in the Vienna ESG segment.

New trading member

New trading member

Over 85 % of trading turnover derives from international trading participants. We welcomed Barclays as a new member.

Financial education expands investment horizon

Financial education expands investment horizon

Many people in Austria already own securities but others lack financial education – we support schools with teaching materials.