Sustainability and ecological responsibility have become key components of modern investment strategies. At the Vienna Stock Exchange, we recognise their importance and offer investors a platform to gain information about sustainable investment opportunities.
Today, investments need to generate more than just financial returns – they should also have a positive social and environmental impact. A selection of investment products is available that contribute to our economy's path to a sustainable future and have been selected according to strict criteria.
Equity investments with a clear focus on sustainability are a powerful driver for the ecological and social transformation of our economy. By making investments in responsible companies that are committed to the principles of environmental sustainability, social responsibility and good corporate governance (ESG criteria), investors can have a direct impact.
An der Wiener Börse notierte Unternehmen, die in Bezug auf gesellschaftliche und ökologische Leistungen führend sind, werden im österreichischen Nachhaltigkeitsindex (VÖNIX) gelistet und repräsentieren damit die Nachhaltigkeitsbenchmark des österreichischen Aktienmarktes. Die im Index enthaltenen Aktien werden anhand eines komplexen Bewertungsmodells ausgewählt, das umfangreiche ökologische und soziale Kriterien berücksichtigt.
Our platform offers easier access to sustainable financial instruments that support the green transformation of the capital markets. By investing in ESG-compliant bonds of the Vienna ESG Segment, investors can make responsible and environmentally sustainable investments. The alignment with international standards and the continuous disclosure and reporting on the use of the issue proceeds proceeds allow well-founded investment decisions.